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Remove Entry ??

Yesterday, on late afternoon i had received a phone call from the staff of one institution. To be straight forward the person request me to take out or remove one entry in my blog that i wrote few months ago about their institution. For not dragging the issue and make it worst, i deleted the entry. Actually i did not write specifically about the organization but its regarding the speaker of the training. I dont mention the name of the speaker just complaining what happen during the course but yes i mentioned full name of the institution (My Mistake !). Well, sometimes when attending a course you will feel a bit sleepy or bored especially when the speaker is not very active when giving a speech. Is it wrong to complaint?

Maybe it is wrong to complaint here. But when i told my friend about it, they said it's my right to write anything in my blog. Furthermore, i am not complaining about the institution but describing a little bit about the 'unnamed' speaker. It just 2 lines sentence entry. Hmm...lessons for me, if i want to complaint something i will write it like this : *B&@M maybe...but if i want to give +ve comment, of course i will write it in full. Hehehee... 

The staff that called me was very polite, just requested me to do something for the sake of their institution. And i would like to apologise if i had caused trouble to your boss. Hihihiii...thank you for the professional certificate offer, but yet i need to consult with my boss dulu laa...because the company need to pay for it.

BUT, one of my friend said that maybe someone want to 'pekena' me and report to the institution about my blog and what i am complaining about. IF it is TRUE, haku nak gelak kuat2 kat orang tu sebab taktik nak pekena haku tak menjadi. My intention is right, i have no intention to cause trouble to others, so Allah has protected me. Isk..isk...Husnuzhon...tak baik buruk sangka kannn...Tak pasal2 blog Mummy Myra ni femes sudaa...*femes ke??  ^___^


ashra said…
tu la pasal...kalu yang positif,wah..mmg lagi suka kita tulis full name..

kalu pasal2 komplen,sgt2 takut nama naik.
tak fair langsung!...

pstt..kalu saya kan,hehe..saya letak hampir full name tapi ada * pada satu dua huruf yang tertinggal.sape kenal,kenal lah kan.
yang berkenaan tak le nak komplen kat kita,sbb ada *...hahaha..
shilafaizz said…
Tu lahh...lupa pulak nak ber-bintang2 kak ash...patutnye sy xyah remove kan, juz edit and letak bintang..klu ikut legal, sy masih tak salah sebab im not mentioned exactly about the institution.tapi slh ke ek klu komplen?isk tak fair kan, kalau puji takde plak nak bagi komisen ke, royalty ke kalau bg -ve comment, cepat jerrrr...
Wahida said…
shila, buat xtau je...dah nama blog kita, ikot suka la nak tulis apa pun....mulut org mana boleh tutup kan...
shilafaizz said…
tu lah...isk isk.tapi aku mane bleh diam...dok potpet jer lagi kat blog..hahahah.cuma perlu lebih hati-hati.

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