We know that this can be a very frightening and daunting stage for many parents. Hopefully this can give you mommies out there an idea of what foods are safe, healthy and nutritious for your baby as you both begin the journey into solid foods. Remember, many pediatricians are recommending that babies start solids at 6 months of age. Since Myra pon dah start her solid food as advised by her Paed Dr.Nazir, i have prepared and compiled many recipes for her food. I am keen to give her homemade food and try to avoid instant cereal e.g. Nestum and so on as homemade food is fresher, and of course i can monitor what's ingredients inside her food.
AGE/STAGE: Babies 4-6 Months
The AAP recommends that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age. Many pediatricians still start babies on solids around 4 months of age. Everything must under Paed's advise yer..
CEREALSRice and Oatmeal cereals are the least of the allergenic grains and thus most babies are started out with those cereals. You don't HAVE to start with cereal - try avocado instead or banana.
Myra starts with plain porridge.
May be served raw after 8 months old – bananas and avocados do NOT need to be cooked ever
For 6 months old baby, bananas, apples, pears can be steamed or boiled first before serve to the baby.
Always serve cooked until after 12 months old or when baby can chew well enough so that no choking hazard is present.
Always serve cooked with no pink areas – NEVER give a small baby/child raw meat or fish
No protein should be given to baby below 6month old.
NEVER replace breast milk or formula until after 12 months of age – serious health risks are possible.
Never give a child under the age of 2yrs old low fat or skim milk products; whole milk is necessary.
How much will your 4 month - 6 month old baby eat at his first meal?
You will probably only manage to have baby eat 1/2 of the tablespoon sized portion the very first times you begin solids. Don't fret if your baby does not "finish" a meal; remember this is a new experience for your baby. As your baby becomes accustomed to eating solids, you will gradually increase the portion sizes. Also, keep in mind that breast milk and/or infant formula are providing for the total nutrition of your baby at this stage.
More Info:
Read more: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/solidfood4to6montholdbaby.htm#ixzz1E6Z4Bctz